Justin & Brittany Diss
I was born in Colorado on July 4, 1987. I was raised in a Christian home. Both my mom and dad where faithful to teach me to have a love for the Lord. My call to the ministry came as a seventeen-year-old, I did not know what to do with my life. Through the guidance of counsel in my life, I determined to get a one-year Bible certficate at Heartland Baptist Bible College. In the spring of my second semester, I was asked to be an intern for a church plant in California. It was at this time God began to burden my heart to serve Him with my life in fulltime ministry. I graduated in 2009 from Heartland with a four-year degree in Biblical Studies. After graduation, I was able to go back to my church in Ellicott, Colorado and serve as a youth pastor and an assistant pastor. In the summer of 2018, I was ordained into the Gospel ministry.
The Lord has blessed me with Brittany, my wife, and four wonderful daughters.
Brittany’s Testimony: I was not raised in a Christian home. When I was about ten, my mom got saved and started taking my sister and me to church. After being in church a while, one of my friends made a profession of faith. I didn’t want to be left out, so I made one too. There was never a real change in my life and the older I got, the more I knew I had not gotten saved. My mom mentioned to me that she didn’t think my profession was real. Being rebellious, I held to it because I didn’t want her to be right. My parents separated for four years, and it was during this time that my mom took us to a new church. It was at this church that I saw my sinfulness and depravity in a very real way. I was confronted with my sin and not just my desire to go to heaven. My stubborn pride held on until I was sixteen. After an evening service I knew for sure I wasn’t saved. The next morning in my bedroom, I called on the Lord as my Savior.